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Body Dysmorphia

Liza William's: The sufferer herself


'Everyone assumes that my life is perfect, but I'm just an ordinary girl'

Liza Williams exclusively reveals her battle with the mental illness Body Dysmorphia. She states 'I want to tell my story to raise awareness. Body Dysmorphia isn't commonly known, if I can help just one of my fans it would make my honesty worth it'. Being so popular, Liza shares her daily life with the public eye. She shares how challenging this can be mentally: 'Everyone assumes our lives are perfect, it was this pressure that sparked my Body Dysmorphia. I felt the need to stay SUPER SKINNY as thats what my fans expected. My body weight was normal but I constantly thought I was overweight, making me very unhappy within myself'.

'I fear that with lack of knowledge, eating disorders will become more common'

Blogger, Miss Williams brings attention to mental health. 'Little people are aware that body dysmorphia is a common cause of eating disorders, suffered from young girls like myself.' Liza reveals that as a result of her Body Dysmorphia she was a sufferer of the illness Bulimia for over a year and a half, trying to match her body to the 'perfect image' the media presents her as having. 'I was terrified to put on weight, having so many followers it's likely that the minority of nasty people would notice weight gain, this fear lead to my bulimia.' After her hope to raise awareness she proudly announces that she has overcome the illness, after months of private therapy she states 'I've never been happier.' In Liza’s proud recovery she has brought out her own nutrition plan: ‘My recovery was the inspiration of my nutrition plan, I hope to influence girls into following a healthy diet rather than suppressing their urge to eat in hope of loosing weight. It worked for me so I know it can work for anyone out there.’ The content involves meal plans, recipe ideas and healthy alternatives. Her plan is available via App Store, free of charge, as Liza states that she doesn’t want profit she’s just trying to set a ‘healthy example.’


Get Liza William’s Nutrition App FREE from the link below:
 Https:// > ios > app-store

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